Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Katrina Walsh

Katrina is blonde and petite. Her hair is short and spiky, usually gelled into place. On the rare mornings when she's hungover she won't gel her hair and it will lie atop her head like a cornfield beated down by heavy rain.
She wears clothes she's made herself as a preference although she has a very few purchased items, typically gifts from people who've seen her usual clothes. She had more enthusiasm than ability for tailoring and her clothes are often asymmetric, badly stitched and sometimes falling apart. Katrina pretends not to care, but is very sensitive to criticism of her apparel and will attack people behind their backs for noticing that her clothes aren't perfect. (Or even adequate).
She's in her late 20s, likes Italian food, evening soap operas, small dogs that can be carried in large handbags and chilli-laced chocolate. She dislikes management of any kind, women's fashion magazines (which she thinks show unattainable creations of Frankenstein couture), and spending longer than 40 minutes watching films. She has to go to the cinema by herself because she sets an alarm on her mobile to go off at 40 minutes, when she walks out.
Katrina is joint owner and proprietress of Lazy Sundays, an incipient antique shop. It sells mostly ceramic junk, all of which she claims will be antiques when it gets older. The clientele is mostly women of a certain age, lesbian friends of hers, and the occasional bemused tourist.
Her co-owner and co-proprietress is Desdemona Filkes (pronounced Fikes), who is also her lover (five year relationship). Katrina refers to her as Desi, most other people call her Demon. The pair also own a small nightclub, half a racehorse, and have a majority stake in a co-operative farm that grows organic tomatoes.

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